Letting Go: The Second Noble Truth

The Second Noble Truth speaks about the origin of suffering which is the attachment to desire: the desire for sensory pleasure; the desire to be something; and the desire to be rid of something.
But how do we really let go of anything? Isn't desiring to let go of something, desire as well? The Second Noble Truth simply speaks to us about recognizing desire. To reflect upon it. To observe it as it surfaces and when it surfaces.
I usually have a very hard time falling asleep at night. If I go to bed early, I lie in my bed for hours just thinking and thinking about what I did today; what I need to do tomorrow; my plans for the future; etc.
And as I lay there in constant contemplation, I can begin to reflect on the various aspects and desires of my mind.
And as each item of my day takes center stage inside my head, I can, one by one, listen to, then let go of each and every detail.
Heard. Thank you. Let go. Let God handle this. Next?
Heard. Thank you. Let go. Let God handle this. Next?
Until each item of my day, my week and my life are heard and let go of. Now this doesn't mean that the following night, I don't have to repeat this process. It is a daily practice.
The practice is to bring all thoughts into consciousness and to listen without judgement. Then you will know desire.
Then you can begin to dismiss these desires by creating, through practice, the experience of "letting go".
Bringing us to the understanding of the third insight into the Second Noble Truth. "Desire has been let go of." Then you will know, through experience, what letting go really means.
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